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Local Forms

This page contains a list of Common Local Forms.

Forms are provided as Adobe Acrobat PDF documents. Right click on the Name and select "save target as" to save to your local computer. Forms with an asterisk (*) are fillable on a computer.

Form Packets contain multiple forms needed to complete common tasks and can be found at the Local Forms Packets page.

Name Form # Date Rev
Notice Of Appeal Involuntary Commitments APP-001 04/01/15
Defendant-Misdemeanor Petition Response and Order AB-1950 02/23/21
Declaration in Opposition to Temporary Order CA-106 * 07/01/13
Vehicle Code Section 14601 et. esq - Addendum Form - Pages 1 and 2 CR-001 * 01/01/19
Vehicle Code Section 23103(a) - Addendum Form - Pages 1 and 2 CR-002 * 01/01/19
Vehicle Code Section 23152 - Addendum Form - Pages 1 and 2 CR-003 * 01/01/19
Vehicle Code Section 23153 - Addendum Form - Pages 1 and 2 CR-004 * 01/01/19
Misdemeanor Advisement - Domestic Violence Addendum Form CR-005 * 01/19/19
Advisement of Rights, Waiver and Fee Form - Misdemeanor - Pages 1-4 CR-006 * 12/29/22
Mental Health Diversion Application CR-007 * 3/24/23
Felony Advisement of Rights, Waiver and Plea CR-008 * 5/5/23
Notice of Assignment to One Judge and Notice of Case Management Conference CV-1 12/23/19
Alternative Dispute Resolution Information Sheet CV-2 * 07/01/11
Stipulation and Order Referring Matter to Alternative Dispute Resolution CV-7 * 07/01/11
Application to Serve the California Secretary of State CV-25 07/01/11
Application to Serve as Temporary Judge CV-33 07/01/11
Notice of Selection as Mediator in Court Connected Mediation CV-35* 07/01/11
Declaration in Support of Urgent Ex Parte Application CV-40 07/01/11

Stipulation and Order Authorizing Electronic Service
Stipulation and Order Authorizing Electronic Service in WORD format for download only

CV-42 07/01/11
Settlement Agreement and Court Order (Unlawful Detainer) CV-43 07/01/11
Statement of Issues for Settlement Conference or Trial FL002 * 05/01/18
Stipulation and Order FL014 * 07/01/11
Notice of Stipulated Continuance (Family Law) FL015 * 07/01/19
Declaration Regarding Notice of Request for Temporary Orders FL016 * 01/01/19
Further Orders for Parties with Custody and Visitation Issues FL017 * 09/10/21
Declaration and Order for Payment of Court-Appointed Minor's Counsel Fees FL021 * 01/01/25
Notice of Completed Report by the Private Child Custody Recommending Counselor and Request to Advance Hearing FL026 * 02/01/14
TAHL Child Support FL028 * 01/01/18
TAHL Family Law Contempts FL029 * 01/01/18
Stipulation and Order RE Appointment of Parenting Coordinator FL030 * 12/01/13
The Role of the Client's Attorney in Parent Coordinator Cases FL031 * 02/24/14
Stipulation and Order Appointing Private Child Custody Recommending Counselor (CCRC) FL035 * 01/01/16
Stipulation and Order for Interim Child Custody Mediation FL036 * 02/01/14
Application for Approval for Listing on Sonoma County Superior Court Parent Coordinator Panel FL037 * 02/01/14
Petition for Grandparent Visitation FL038 * 01/01/18
Response to Petition for Grandparent Visitation FL039 * 01/01/18
Declaration Regarding Notice and Delivery of Domestic Violence Temporary Orders FL040 * 01/01/15
Request to Drop Hearing FL042 * 07/01/17
Family Law Child Custody and Visitation Questionnaire FL045 * 01/01/18
Settlement Conference Statement/Trial Brief FL048 * 07/01/15
Setting Order FL073 * 07/01/19
Request-Response to Request for Set Conf or Set Conf and Trial FL074 * 01/01/16
Request for Telephone Appearance FL075 * 07/01/11
Request to Reset/Advance/Set Case Resolution Conference FL092 * 01/01/15
Declaration and Order to Unseal Unredacted Original Birth Certificate FL094(b) * 01/01/19
Therapeutic Intervention Attachment FL096 * 02/20/24
Declaration of Certification of Attorney Competency JC-104 07/01/11
Request to Change-Add Court Date JC-106 07/01/11
Report of Proposed Guardian PR-2 * 08/09/23
Order Appointing Regional Center to Evaluate Proposed Ward or Conservatee; Order Appointing Public Defender PR-4 * 03/15/24
Receipt and Acknowledgement of Order Restricting Release of Property PR-5 * 01/01/18
Declaration of Diligent Search PR-7 * 07/01/11
Objections to Appointment of Guardian of the Person PR-9 * 07/01/11
Declaration Regarding Notice of Request for Guardianship Temporary Orders PR-10 * 07/01/11
Confidential Contact Information PR-12 * 03/15/24
Increased Bid In Open Court On Sale Of Real Property PR-14 * 03/15/24
Guardianship Visitation Request PR-15 * 05/08/13
Guardianship Visitation Order PR-17 * 07/01/17
Notice of Stipulated Continuance (Probate) PR-18 * 07/01/19
First and Final Report of Personal Representative and Petition for Final Distribution PR-19 * 01/01/25
Appointment of Official Reporter Pro Tempore RP-001 05/01/17
Transcript Request Form (Confidential & Juvenile Cases) RP-002 11/14/24
Transcript Request Form RP-003 11/14/24
Request to Set Aside Order to Pay Judgment in Installment SC-4 07/01/11
Declaration and Order for Presumed Satisfaction of Judgment and Notice of Entry of Order SC-5 07/01/11
Exchange and Submission of Evidence SC-10 01/01/23
Request For Traffic Court Trial TR0035 09/28/11
Traffic Trial de Novo TR-221 09/28/11
Attorney Request Form Traffic   01/28/25

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