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Jury Service

Use the self-service  JURY PORTAL to check your status, postpone service or request to be excused or disqualified.  You may also call (707) 521-6640 or text your badge # to (707) 940-8870 to check your status or to schedule reminders. 

Reporting Instructions by Group numbers

If you have been summoned for Jury Duty, you need to check here, for REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS  or call (707) 521-6640 after 5:00 PM the evening prior to your scheduled appearance date and follow the instructions. 

As a prospective juror, you are on standby for one week Mon-Fri. You are required to obtain reporting instructions after 5:00 pm the business day prior to each day of service. Do not report unless told to do so.  Please bring the summons with you as it contains your juror badge and parking pass. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, you will be scheduled to appear at another time. 

Fraud Alert

Identity Thieves Targeting Jury Service have been soliciting personal information from the public by posing as jury staff calling to clear up a failure to appear for jury service. Please be advised that jury staff of the superior courts do not ask past or prospective jurors for personal or financial information such as credit card, bank account, or Social Security numbers. Please do not provide this type of information to anyone claiming to be associated with the courts. Please contact your local jury office if you receive this type of request..

***Do not provide any information having to do with your bank or credit card to anyone claiming to be an officer of the court or of the law.***

The State of California has issued public warnings about calls from individuals claiming to be court officials or law enforcement officers regarding jury service. The court DOES NOT call, e-mail, or send letters requesting money or personal identifying information regarding jury service.

If you are concerned that you are being targeted by this scam, please contact our Jury Services Division at (707) 521-6640 or send us an email at

Jurors who are not feeling well are required to stay home and may contact Jury Services to reschedule their jury duty. You can schedule your first postponement via the web or you can contact Jury Services at (707) 521-6640.

Juror Proof of Attendance

To print a copy of your Proof of Attendance for Jury Service click here

Request to be Excused

To fill out the hardship request form click here.

To find instructions for requesting a medical excusal or exemption, click here .

To print a form for medical excusal/exemption, click here.

Postponement of Jury Service

To postpone via the web click here.

Postponements by web must be requested at least one week prior to service. Postponements by IVR (Interactive Voice Response) must be requested prior to 12:00 noon on Friday before your week of service. To postpone by phone IVR you may call (707) 521-6640. You will need your badge number and your birthdate to access your juror record. The California Rules of Court allow for a maximum of two postponements in a 12 month period. No postponements will be granted on the day of your appearance.

View the videos about Jury Service

Justice for All: Orientation to Jury Service



A History of Jury Service: A More Perfect Jury

If you are traveling north on Hwy. 101, take the Bicentennial exit east. Turn right at the stop light onto Ventura Avenue. Follow Ventura for two blocks to the long term parking lot located on your left. Our office is located in the Hall of Justice which is one block west of the parking lot.

If you are traveling south on Hwy. 101, exit the freeway at Steele Lane and turn left. Follow Steele Lane to the second stop light and turn left onto County Center Drive. Follow County Center Drive to the stop sign then turn left onto Administration Drive, proceed north to the Hall of Justice. Turn left on Ventura Avenue to the long term parking lot located on your right.

The Jury Assembly Room is located on the first floor of the Hall of Justice in the enclosed hallway at the north east end of the building, Room 102-J.

Detailed information on Court locations and directions can be found at our Locations page.

Parking for the Hall of Justice is available on Administration Drive, Paulin Drive, Ventura Avenue and Fiscal Drive. 

Jurors may park in any 90 minute, 2 hour, or 3 hour spaces or all day parking/street parking. If you park in a timed parking space you must have your Juror Parking Pass displayed on the driver's side of the dash board with the current week's date showing.

Parking is not permitted in any other specialty zones even with your Juror Parking Pass in the window. Parking regulations are strictly enforced.

For a map that shows where parking may be located, click here. 

Completion of Jury Service for one year is fulfilled by either being seated as a trial juror, appearing in person as needed during the scheduled week or by calling all week and being dismissed.

Please be prepared to remain at the courthouse the full day. Due to the nature of Jury Service and the court process itself, there are often periods of waiting. We suggest you bring something to read. There are brief recesses throughout the day, and you will have at least one hour for lunch. If sworn as a juror, your service will continue until the trial is completed.

To postpone via the web click here. Postponements by web must be requested at least one week prior to service. You may postpone by IVR (Interactive Voice Response). Postponements by IVR must be requested prior to 12:00 noon on Friday before your week of service. To postpone by phone IVR you may call (707) 521-6640. You will need your badge number and your birthdate to access your juror record. The California Rules of Court allow for a maximum of two postponements in a 12 month period. No postponements will be granted on the day of your appearance.

As a sworn or prospective juror, you will receive $15.00 per day plus mileage beginning from your second day of service.

Jurors are entitled to receive reimbursement of up to $12 for the use of public transportation during jury service. To request reimbursement, complete the Public Transit Reimbursement Form and submit it to Jury Services at 600 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or email the completed form to Please note that rideshare services such as Uber, Lyft and taxis are not eligible for reimbursement. 

A check will be mailed to you approximately six weeks after completion of Jury Service.

Employers are not required by law to pay employees their regular salary when on Jury Duty. We suggest you advise your employer of your scheduled Jury Service when you receive your summons. It is advisable to check with your employer regarding company policy before coming to court. Verification of your appearance is required by some employers and will be provided by Court staff upon request at the end of the day or when you are excused.

Per Code of Civil Procedures section 203, all persons are eligible and qualified to be prospective trial jurors, except the following:

  • You do not have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the English language to act as a juror.
  • You are not a citizen of the United States.
  • You are not 18 years of age or older.
  • You are not a resident of Sonoma County.
  • You are currently serving as a Grand Juror.
  • You have been convicted of malfeasance in office and your civil rights have not been restored.
  • You are the subject of a conservatorship.
  • You are incarcerated in prison or jail.
  • You are on felony parole, post-release supervision, felony probation, or felony mandated supervision.
  • You are required to register as a sex offender under Penal Code section 290 based on a felony conviction.
  • You are a peace officer as defined in Penal Code sections 830.1, 830.2(a)-(c), or 830.33(a).

A security system is in place at all Court locations.

Weapons or sharp objects (Swiss army knives, knitting needles, scissors, pepper spray, mace etc.) of any kind, large tip pens or markers will not be allowed through security.

Hard plastic or metal water bottles and canisters are not allowed through security; however, empty or sealed full, light plastic water bottles will be allowed through security.

Shorts and tank tops are not allowed in the courtroom.

Children may not accompany prospective jurors while on Jury Duty.

Contact the Jury Office

Phone Information

Jury Information (707) 521-6640
Toll Calls only (800) 225-4062

Superior Court of California, County of Sonoma

Hall of Justice
600 Administration Drive Room102J
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

WiFi Hotspot

Wireless (WiFi hotspot) internet connectivity is available free of charge in the jury assembly area for prospective Jurors Check with the Jury Services Department for more information. We support 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g wireless connections.

California Courts Jury Information Resource Center

Since 1998, the Administrative Office of the Courts and superior courts around the state have teamed up to recognize the millions of Californians who answer the call to serve their communities and make the fundamental American ideals of justice, liberty, and democracy a reality. MORE »

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