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Media – Court Administration

Media Contacts

PLEASE NOTE: The Executive Office cannot help you with your Court Case, or provide you with legal advice. Messages sent to this email address requesting case assistance will not be returned. For case assistance, please contact the Clerk's Office for your type of case.

Media Request Information

Neither court facilities nor court proceedings may be photographed, recorded, or broadcast except as provided in California Rule of Court, rule 1.150 and local rule 19. Please note, pursuant to those rules, requests to film proceedings in a specific courtroom are generally directed to the judicial officer assigned to that courtroom. Requests to film empty courtrooms, or any other location within a courthouse or court facility, are directed to the Presiding Judge.

Media Request Policy and Procedures

(Sonoma Superior Court Local Rule 21 and California Rule of Court 1.150)

Any media agency submitting a request to film or photograph inside the courtroom must follow this procedure:

  1. Complete Judicial Council forms MC-500 and MC-510.
  2. Fax the completed request and proposed order to the appropriate Judicial Assistant and to Court Administration at (707) 521-6751.
  3. The request must be made 5 court days prior to the hearing unless the Judicial Officer finds good cause to shorten the filing deadline.
  4. After review by the Judicial Officer, the Judicial Assistant will provide the requesting media agency with a copy of the order. This order must be shown to the Security screening staff at the courthouse before entry.
  5. Absolutely no filming, recording or photography will be allowed inside the building unless it is approved by the Judicial Officer (See Local Rule 21.3).

    Limitations on Coverage of Court Facilities or Locations

    The following limitations apply, if media request is granted, unless an exception is permitted by written judicial order See (Local Rule 21.3).

    1. Photographing or recording of any kind by the media and general public is not permitted in any part of a court facility or location, including, but not limited to lobby areas, hallways, stairs, and elevators. In addition, photographing, or electronic recording of any kind by the media and general public is not permitted within 50 feet of the entrances of the two courtrooms that occupy the first floor of the Hall of Justice (Courtroom #14 and #15).
    2. Photographing and recording devices must be turned off while transporting them in any area of any court facility or location.
    3. Any photographing or recording of the interior of a courtroom through glass door windows is prohibited.
    4. Photographing, or electronic recording of anyone wearing a juror badge, whether intentional or inadvertent, anywhere in any court facility or location is prohibited. The faces of anyone wearing a juror badge inadvertently depicted in the background of any photograph or recording must be blurred or digitized beyond recognition before publication or broadcasting.
    5. Except as limited in rule 21.3 (1) above, photographing, or recording at or near the entrances to any court facility or location is not prohibited, but such media coverage shall not obstruct pedestrian traffic or compromise security. (Eff. 1/1/2005; Rev. 1/1/2007, 7/1/2007, 1/1/2008, 1/1/2010, 7/1/2010)son consequat.

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