Probate Case Management Conference Calendar
If the tentative ruling is accepted, no appearance is necessary unless otherwise indicated. You must notify the probate clerk at (707) 521-6893 if you wish to be heard in response to the tentative ruling. You must inform the clerk concerning your appearance choice: Zoom or in person. Any interested party who wishes to be heard in opposition to a petition must notify all other parties of the intent to appear. Both notifications must be completed no later than 4:00 p.m. on the court day immediately preceding the day of the hearing.
Unless notification to the probate clerk has been given as provided above, the tentative rulings shall become the rulings of the court at 3:15 p.m. on the day of the hearing.
To Join Department 12 "Zoom" Online
- Navigate to website:
- Meeting ID: 160 377 2262
- Password: 419097
To Join Department 12 "Zoom" by Phone
Call 1-669-254-5252 (San Jose) and enter same meeting ID and password as listed above.
Guide for participating in court proceedings via Zoom for Department 12.
- After joining the meeting and checking in with the clerk, please mute your audio when not speaking. This helps keep background noise to a minimum.
- Be mindful of background noise when your microphone is not muted. Avoid activities that could create additional noise, such as shuffling papers.
- Position your camera properly if you choose to use a web camera. Be sure it is in a stable position and focused at eye level, if possible. Make sure everything visible in the frame is appropriate for an appearance in court.
- If a confidential session becomes necessary, it is incumbent on you to ensure you are able to participate from a private location so that unauthorized people cannot overhear or see the proceedings.
- Chat is enabled for the sharing of documents among participants and the court and to allow attorneys to communicate individually with each other or their clients only. No chat messages should be sent privately to the court as it would amount to an unauthorized ex parte communication. Neither should chat messages be sent to all participants unless directed by the court.
- The recording function has been disabled. Remember, the prohibition against recording court proceedings, even remote ones, remains.
- Be patient. Check in will take more time and the experience from those who have tried this before is that proceedings are a little slower generally.
Tentative Rulings
Hon. Jennifer V. Dollard
March 13, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.
- Estate of Michael Ray Bessette
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED. In light of the information contained in the status report filed March 10, 2025, this matter is CONTINUED to March 19, 2026, at 3:00 p.m. in Department 12 for status of estate or final account and distribution.
- Matter of Kya Oliver
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCE REQUIRED. This matter is DROPPED from calendar in light of the Acknowledgement of Receipt of Order and Funds for Deposit in Blocked Account filed on March 6, 2025.
- Matter of Iyrie Oliver
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCE REQUIRED. This matter is DROPPED from calendar in light of the Acknowledgement of Receipt of Order and Funds for Deposit in Blocked Account filed on March 6, 2025.
- Conservatorship of Elena Margarita Langston
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED. This matter is on for status of the third account and report. However, it appears the account and report is due any time in March 2025 (see Order Approving First and Second Account and Report filed April 12, 2024) and that this hearing is premature. Therefore, this matter is CONTINUED to May 1, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. in Department 12. No appearances will be required and the matter will be dropped from calendar if a petition for approval of the third account and report is filed at least seven days prior to the hearing.
- Conservatorship of Cathy Marie Wilson
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED An Order Approving Second and Final Account was filed 9/25/24. This matter is DROPPED form calendar.
- Conservatorship of Carmela Mondelo Hobaugh
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: APPEARANCES REQUIRED for status of third account and report.
- Estate of Patricia An Elder aka Talleur
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: APPEARANCES REQUIRED for status of administration.
- Estate of Sharon J. Cleary
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED. In light of the information contained in the status update filed February 26, 2025, this matter is CONTINUED to September 18, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. in Department 12 for status of estate or final account and distribution.
The Order to Show Cause issued on December 12, 2024, is vacated.
- Estate of Hugh C. Bullard
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED. Matter is DROPPED in light of the April 4, 2025, hearing on Final Distribution.
- Estate of Terry Lyn Bain
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED. Matter is CONTINUED to March 21, 2025, to trail the related case SPR097124, and for status of estate administration.
- Estate of Yvonne Joan Bain
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED. Matter is DROPPED in light of the March 21, 2025, hearing on the Petition for Authority to Administer Estate Under Independent Administration of Estates Act.
- Estate of Conni T. Catalano
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED. In light of the information contained in the status update filed March 6, 2025, this matter is CONTINUED to May 22, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. in Department 12 for status of estate or final account and distribution.
- Estate of Jeffrey William Jahn
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: APPEARANCES REQUIRED for status of final account and distribution.
- Estate of Michael Martin Bell
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED. This matter is CONTINUED to March 19, 2026 at 3:00 p.m. in Department 12 for status of estate administration. No appearances will be required and the matter will be dropped from calendar if a petition for final distribution and account, or on waiver of account, is filed at least seven days prior to the hearing.
- Estate of Rosalie L. Roudebush
Case Management Conference
Tentative Ruling: NO APPEARANCES REQUIRED. In light of the information contained in the status update filed February 26, 2025, this matter is CONTINUED to May 22, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. in Department 12 for status of estate or final account and distribution.
***End of Tentative Rulings***