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Probate Law & Motion

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If the tentative ruling is accepted, no appearance by Zoom is necessary unless otherwise indicated. You must notify the probate clerk at (707) 521-6893 if you wish to be heard in response to the tentative ruling. You must inform the clerk concerning your appearance choice: Zoom or in person. Any interested party who wishes to be heard in opposition to a petition must notify all other parties of the intent to appear. Both notifications must be completed no later than 4:00 p.m. on the court day immediately preceding the day of the hearing.

Unless notification to the probate clerk has been given as provided above, the tentative rulings shall become the rulings of the court at 3:15 p.m. on the day of the hearing. 

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  • Be mindful of background noise when your microphone is not muted. Avoid activities that could create additional noise, such as shuffling papers.
  • Position your camera properly if you choose to use a web camera. Be sure it is in a stable position and focused at eye level, if possible. Make sure everything visible in the frame is appropriate for an appearance in court.
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  • Be patient. Check in will take more time and the experience from those who have tried this before is that proceedings are a little slower generally.

Tentative Rulings

Honorable Elliot Lee Daum for Honorable Jennifer V. Dollard
July 18, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. 

  1. Simoncini v. Luci
    Motion For Reconsideration Of The Court’s Ex Parte Order Of April 17, 2024 Compelling Arbitration And Selection Of Arbitrator

Tentative Ruling: The motion is DENIED.

The California Code of Civil Procedure (“CCP”) §1008 aspect of the motion is procedurally defective for failure to include the required affidavit and is denied for that reason. A CCP §1008 motion that fails to include the required affidavit is invalid. Branner v. Regents of University of California (2009) 175 Cal.App.4th 1043, 1048.

Regarding the Court’s inherent power to reconsider its own orders/rulings, the Court accepts that it has such power, but otherwise does not see this as a basis for granting the present motion. Although section 1008 limits the circumstances in which a party may seek reconsideration, it does not limit the court's ability, on its own motion, to reconsider its prior interim orders so it may correct its own errors. Coastline JX Holdings LLC v. Bennett (2022) 80 Cal.App.5th 985, 1000. To do so, the Court must give the parties notice that it may do so and a reasonable opportunity to litigate the question. Le Francois v. Goel (2005) 35 Cal.4th 1094, 1097. A trial court has inherent power to reconsider an interim ruling on its own motion. This authority derives from the judiciary's fundamental, constitutionally mandated function to resolve specific controversies between parties. Coastline JX Holdings LLC v. Bennett (2022) 80 Cal.App.5th 985, 1000. Although a motion for reconsideration that is unsupported by new legal authority or new evidence violates §1008, such a motion may inspire the trial court to reconsider its previous decision on its own motion. Coastline JX Holdings LLC v. Bennett (2022) 80 Cal.App.5th 985, 1001 (citing In re Marriage of Barthold (2008) 158 Cal.App.4th 1301.) It should not matter whether the judge has an unprovoked flash of understanding in the middle of the night or acts in response to a party's suggestion, if a court believes one of its prior interim orders was erroneous, it should be able to correct that error no matter how it came to acquire that belief. Le Francois v. Goel (2005) 35 Cal.4th 1094, 1108.

Here, the reconsideration of the April 17, 2024, order was not brought about on the Court’s own motion. The case law is clear that the Court can reconsider prior rulings/orders on its own motion, but not that a party can move the Court to exercise such authority. In Le Francois v. Goel (2005) 35 Cal.4th 1094, the California Supreme Court held that a trial court erred in granting a procedurally defective motion, even though the trial court could reconsider its previous rulings on its own motion. See Le Francois v. Goel (2005) 35 Cal.4th 1094, 1109. The moving party cannot rely on the Court’s inherent powers to circumvent the procedural requirements of CCP §1008.

This Court is frankly dismayed to see the current posture of this case more than three months down the road from its April 17, 2024, Order. The directions from that Order should be complied with immediately.

Patrick J. Wingfield, Esq. is ordered to lodge an updated proposed order that conforms to this ruling.


  1. Matter of the Harwood Family Revocable Trust, dated June 19, 1995
    Motion to Exclude the Testimony Of Petitioner’s Expert Witness, Serggio Carlo Lanata, M.D., M.S., Pursuant to CCP §§2034.300, et seq., Or In The Alternative, Motion to Compel Expert’s Deposition And Sanctions, Pursuant to CCP §§2025.450, et seq.

Tentative Ruling: The motion to exclude is GRANTED. The Court will sign the proposed order lodged July 2, 2024, but will strike proposed orders numbers 2 and 3. California Code of Civil Procedure (“CCP”) §2034.300(d) requires the exclusion of the witness if the witness has not been made available for deposition in accordance with Article 3 (commencing with Section 2034.410.) As CCP §2034.415 (which is part of Article 3) requires the production of relevant materials three business days prior to the deposition, by failing to comply with CCP §2034.415, the nonmoving party has subjected the witness to mandatory exclusion pursuant to CCP §2034.300(d). Given the repeated scheduling of depositions and the nonmoving party’s repeated failure to produce the witness, or failure to produce associated materials/documents, the nonmoving party’s conduct gives the appearance of gamesmanship. Staub v. Kiley (2014) 226 Cal.App.4th 1437, 1447.

The Court has considered the untimely opposition. Trial courts are authorized to consider late-filed papers for good cause if there is no undue prejudice.  Correia v. NB Baker Electric, Inc. (2019) 32 Cal.App.5th 602, 613. The circumstances surrounding an untimely opposition should be viewed under the strong policy of the law favoring the disposition of cases on the merits. Id.


  1. Conservatorship of Shirley Gee
    Motion for Preliminary Injunction Enjoining Foreclosure Sale

Tentative Ruling: This motion seeks to prevent the foreclosure sale of 4472 Hollingsworth Circle, Rohnert Park, CA (the “Property”.) On June 14, 2024, this Court confirmed the private sale of the Property to Casey Quinn, a single man. The Court finds this motion to be moot, and the motion is DROPPED from calendar.


***End Of Tentative Rulings***

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